INDICIUM DM Core Product Features
The core INDICIUM platform is a feature-rich foundation for content/document management and process automation.
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- Native database support for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Server, and IBM DB/2 UDB
- Generic ODBC/OLEDB Database support
- Uses original file format, supporting over 250 document formats, including CAD files
Enterprise Ready
- 7×24 operation
- Hot backups
- Lockable Content Stores
- Multiple server configurations
- Multi-platform support with web portal
- High availability
- Enterprise scalability
- COLD support for legacy application data
Segmented Indices and Content
- Separate Property Servers/Stores to manage index data
- Separate Content Servers/Stores to manage document content
Management Studio
- Define user and group permissions/roles
- Custom Security Groups
- User Private Security
- User Public Security
- Administration-level security
- Define queues, templates, and file cabinets
- Set document-level security controls
Audit Logs
- Track:
- User login/out
- Administration events
- Object (Access, Creation, Modification, Deletion)
- Define system-wide defaults
- Define audit overrides (Single user, Role of users, Template File Cabinet, Queue)
Unlimited Indexing
- Multiple document templates; each template can have an unlimited number of indices
- Each template can also have unlimited number of custom icons/sub-classes
- Indexing Capabilities:
- Define basic field info
- Name/Display Name
- Data Type (Text, Date or Date/Time, Integer, Boolean, Currency, Double/Float)
- Required/Read-only/Default value
- Advanced field options
- Field-level security, constraints, validations, masks, encryption, linked template, linked table
- Define basic field info
Multiple Client Types
- Workspace client
- Web Workspace client
- Dedicated client
- Concurrent client

Document Viewer
- Customizable viewer interface
- Annotation capability
- Stamps
- Redaction
- Annotation security
- Sticky notes
- Multiple MS-Office viewer file formats